Shawna Lester is on staff at Connexus Church as the Family Ministry Director which has locations in Midland, Orillia and Barrie. Shawna has been married to her best friend Trevor for 27 years. Together they have 2 grown daughters , Saige in college and Sydney who is on staff at Connexus in student ministry. Their house can be filled with young adults most weekends along with a lot of laughter. Shawna thrives on helping others lead well and help parents lead spiritually in their homes . With over 300 volunteers in weekly roles as well as several who serve in other capacities within the family ministry umbrella, keeping volunteers for the long haul is key. Shawna leads amazing teams but values each Sunday to be fun for everyone present. You'll often find Shawna trying to figure out a way to use a confetti cannon or a creative way to make something as an unexpected fun moment on a Sunday morning. It isn't unusual to find a 12 foot inflatable flamingo in the parking lot to greet guests as they walk in. If something is crazy at Connexus, you can usually blame Shawna.